How many calories are in Cotton Candy?

How many calories are in Cotton Candy?

There is approximately 110 calories in 1 stick of Cotton Candy / Fairy Floss.

Therefore the question remains - is Cotton Candy bad for your health? The short answer is: it depends.

Cotton candy is almost exclusively made of sugar (minus any food colouring or flavouring). Because there is no nutritional value it doesn’t provide any direct benefit to your health.

However, when comparing this spun sugar candy with other desserts and sweets, it is considerably less unhealthy. One standard 1 ounce serving only uses one teaspoon of sugar. It is significantly less than one can of Coca-Cola, which contains nearly 10 teaspoons of sugar. It also contains zero fat, sodium or cholesterol.

 So, if you were to stick to eating a single serving during special occasions, it would not make a negative impact on your overall health. But if you were to eat it every day, multiple times a day, it could cause health issues. As with anything in life, moderation is key.


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